Thursday, October 4, 2012

I just shot a great short film.  It's entitled Wait it Out.  The story centered around my character, April, as she dealt with her deep insecurities of inadequacy, and betrayal.  Through the film she learns to stand up for herself, take charge of her life, and finnally find her inner peace.  It was a beautiful role.  Thank you to my incredible director Nadia Zoe. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I was asked the other day, "what makes someone become an actor?" 

Valid question.  Why would a person put themselves through constant rejection, coupled with unstable work?  This seems to be against all logic.  Clearly someone who would go after such a profession must be  You've heard all the typical assumptions.  Maybe this person didn't get enough love in their childhood.  Maybe this person has a need for attention.  Maybe this person is simply crazy.  Maybe it's all of the above. 

Those reasons are probably true for some actors.  In my opinion it's not the reason for most.  After all, if you didn't get enough love in your childhood, why would you willingly put yourself through rounds of rejection in your adulthood?  That doesn't really add up. 

So why does someone become an actor? 

To this question I simply replied..."passion."  I'm passionate about life, and acting helps me figure life out.  It helps me understand people, relationships, humanity.  When I take on another person’s circumstances, situations, choices, I can't help but come at my own life with a new perspective.  I can't help but understand those around me on a higher level.  Simply put, acting helps me to be a better person, not a perfect person, but one who's vigorously striving to figure it all out.  To me, that's a life worth living.  


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So happy for my biz partner @Brette Goldstein for gettin hitched!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Singing in Europe!

One week from today I will be in Amsterdam!  I'm headed there as a guest of The Children's Chorus of Sussex County.  Growing up, I sang with the choir for 15 years.  I'm now considered one of their "distiguished" alumni, and therefore they have hired me to tag along on their European tour.  I will be performing solo carbert songs during their concerts!  I'm so excited to be singing along side this AMAZING choir agian.  I feel honored and blessed!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Over Easy

Just finished shooting the role of Denise in a  full length feature film entitled Over Easy.  It's about a dude, trapped in a dead end town.  He is going no where fast, and he's painfully aware of it.  It doesn't help that everyone he grew up with seems to be doing so well.  I play the newly engaged former girlfriend of the leading man! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Closing NIght!

So tonight was closing night of Boeing Boeing!  I'm terribly sad to leave Gloria behind me!  That girl rocks  my world!  I hope to have the opportunity to play her again in the future!

The Lake Dillon Theatre Company has been a dream venue to work at.  It's a very special theatre that has tons of heart, and I couldn't be luckier to have worked here.  There is more to come of my relationship with Lake Dillon.  Details are coming soon!!!!