Friday, June 24, 2011

Singing in Europe!

One week from today I will be in Amsterdam!  I'm headed there as a guest of The Children's Chorus of Sussex County.  Growing up, I sang with the choir for 15 years.  I'm now considered one of their "distiguished" alumni, and therefore they have hired me to tag along on their European tour.  I will be performing solo carbert songs during their concerts!  I'm so excited to be singing along side this AMAZING choir agian.  I feel honored and blessed!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Over Easy

Just finished shooting the role of Denise in a  full length feature film entitled Over Easy.  It's about a dude, trapped in a dead end town.  He is going no where fast, and he's painfully aware of it.  It doesn't help that everyone he grew up with seems to be doing so well.  I play the newly engaged former girlfriend of the leading man!